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Hand Rankings In Poker - What Beats What?

Hand Rankings In Poker - What Beats What?

Ever wondered which poker hand is at the top of the chart, or what it takes to win at the table? Understanding hand rankings in poker is crucial and can help you make smarter decisions during the game. 

Here at Slot Sites UK casino, we will guide you through each poker hand, from the unbeatable Royal Flush, to the humble High Card. Let's dive into the fascinating world of poker hands and learn how to recognise a strong hand from the rest.

Royal Flush

A Royal Flush is the cream of the crop in poker hands. It's made up of the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten, all in the same suit. This unbeatable hand is a rare sight, but spotting one is quite the moment in any game.

Think of it as the best straight flush you can get. Since all the cards are from the same suit and in sequential order. However, it's essential to remember that in poker, as in any game of chance, outcomes can't be predicted.

Having a Royal Flush means you're holding the highest possible hand in most versions of poker. But remember, every game unfolds differently, and the chance of getting a Royal Flush is the same for everyone at the table.

What Hands Does a Royal Flush Beat?

A Royal Flush sits proudly at the top of the poker hand rankings. It beats every other hand in the game. This means it trumps a Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card.

In the language of poker, it's the ultimate hand that can't be matched or beaten by any other combination. Each player has an equal chance to be dealt a Royal Flush, but it's a rare occurrence. So, if you find yourself holding one, you're in a very strong position in that round.

Just remember, poker is a game of strategy and chance, and each hand has its own chance of winning, depending on the situation. Being dealt a Royal Flush is exceptional, but understanding how to play your hand wisely matters in every game.

Straight Flush

Just beneath the Royal Flush in the hierarchy of poker hands is the Straight Flush. This impressive hand is a combination of five cards in sequential order, all of the same suit. For instance, a run of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of hearts forms a Straight Flush.

It's a very strong hand, second only to the best of the best, the Royal Flush. The odds of landing a Straight Flush, whilst not as rare as its superior, are still slim, making it a pretty exciting hand to get.

In the eventuality of two players both having a Straight Flush, the one with the highest ranking top card wins. So, a Straight Flush of 9 to K beats a Straight Flush of 5 to 9.

Remember, every hand in poker comes down to the shuffle of the cards and the strategy of the player. Holding a Straight Flush may give you a significant advantage, but how you play it is just as important.

What Hands Does a Straight Flush Beat?

If you're holding a Straight Flush, you're nearly at the top of the game. This fantastic hand can outshine many others. A Straight Flush beats a Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card.

It's a potent combination that ranks just below a Royal Flush. Remember, in poker, the strategy also plays a crucial role in how a hand plays out. Holding a Straight Flush certainly boosts your confidence, but knowing when and how to play it can make all the difference.

Only a Royal Flush stands above it in the rankings, making it a very strong hand to have. So, if you find a Straight Flush in your cards, your position in that round is quite robust.

Four of a Kind

Four of a Kind is one of those hands you don’t see everyday, but when you do, it's quite the sight. This hand consists of four cards of the same value, such as four aces or four nines, alongside any other card.

Having Four of a Kind means you're in a strong position. It's higher than a Full House, a Flush, and all the hands below it in the rankings. Though not the top of the list, it's a formidable hand that's hard to beat.

In the rare occasion someone else also has Four of a Kind, the winner is determined by the value of the four cards; four aces beat four kings. If, by an even rarer chance, both players have the same Four of a Kind, the one with the highest fifth card, or 'kicker', takes the pot.

Keep an eye out, as having Four of a Kind could significantly sway the game in your favour.

What Does Four of a Kind Beat?

Holding a Four of a Kind in poker is a strong position. This powerful hand outpaces a vast majority of other combinations. It beats Full Houses, Flushes, Straights, Three of a Kind, Two Pairs, One Pair, and High Card hands.

Four cards of the same value create a nearly unbeatable force on the table, with only a Straight Flush and a Royal Flush standing higher in the poker hand rankings. Each hand in poker has its unique strength, and Four of a Kind ranks amongst the top, giving you an edge over the competition.

Remember, how you play your hand can be as important as the cards themselves. Managing this hand wisely could substantially sway the outcome in your favour.

Full House

A Full House is quite the hand in the game of poker. It's where you find yourself with a combination that includes three cards of the same rank, and two cards of another rank. Picture having three jacks and two fours; that's a Full House.

This hand is strong, falling only behind the likes of a Four of a Kind, a Straight Flush, and a Royal Flush in the hierarchy. The beauty of a Full House is in its rarity and its strength against most other hands.

If more than one player has a Full House, the winner is the one with the higher three cards. So, a Full House with three aces and two sixes would beat one with three kings and two queens.

Remember, poker is as much about strategy as it is about the cards you're dealt. A Full House gives you a good chance of leading the round, but knowing when to play your hand is key.

Does a Full House Beat a Straight In Poker?

Indeed, in the realm of poker, a Full House certainly beats a Straight. A Full House is a combination of three cards of the same rank and two cards of another rank. For example, holding three sevens and two tens would give you a Full House.

On the other hand, a Straight consists of five consecutive cards of any suit, like 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

While both hands are quite strong, the Full House holds more weight in a game. It's quite rare compared to a Straight, and in the poker hand rankings, rarity significantly influences the strength of a hand.

So, if you're lucky enough to draw a Full House, you're in a better position than someone with a Straight. However, always remember the outcome of any game can never be predicted, and each hand has its unique scenario.


A Flush in poker is a hand that might not sparkle like a Royal Flush, but holds its ground magnificently at the table. This hand consists of five cards all of the same suit, yet not in sequential order.

Imagine you're holding five cards, and they're all hearts or all clubs; that's a Flush for you. It's the colour that matters here, not the sequence.

While a Flush sits comfortably in the middle of the poker hand rankings, it outdoes a Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card hands. Its strength is in its rarity and the diversity of the cards it can include.

The key in a Flush is the highest card within your five. If you and another player both have Flushes, the one with the highest top card wins the hand.

Remember, while a Flush could put you in a good position, poker is still a game of strategy. Knowing how, and when, to make your move is everything.

Does a Flush Beat a Full House?

When you're plotting your strategy around the poker table, knowing how different hands compare is critical. So, what's the verdict between a Flush and a Full House?

Simply put, a Full House beats a Flush. Here's why:

A Flush is when you have five cards of the same suit, but they're not in sequence. It's a handy hand to have but doesn't quite have the clout to beat a Full House.

A Full House, on the other hand, is a combo of three cards of one rank and two cards of another. It's harder to get than a Flush, making it superior in the rankings.


A Straight sits firmly in the middle of the poker hand rankings. It's a hand that consists of five cards in sequential order, but unlike a Straight Flush, they don't need to be all of the same suit.

For example, a hand with a 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of mixed suits would be considered a Straight.

This hand beats anything below it, such as Three of a Kind or Two Pair, making it a solid hand to have. However, it's still outranked by hands like a Flush, Full House, and the more elusive Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, and Royal Flush.

One of the keys to poker is not just the hand you're dealt but how you play it. Even with a Straight, strategic play is essential. Being aware of its position in the rankings helps you make informed decisions during your game.

What Does a Straight Beat In Poker?

In the hierarchy of poker hands, a Straight finds itself in a strong position. It consists of five cards in numerical order, regardless of their suit. For instance, a run from 6 through to 10 of mixed suits is a prime example of a Straight.

This hand beats several others on the table. It overcomes any Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card hands. It's the sequence of the cards that gives a Straight its strength, not the suit or the specific cards involved.

While it doesn't stand above a Flush or any higher-ranking hands, a Straight is still a formidable array of cards to hold. Knowing that you've got something that outdoes over half of the possible hand rankings can provide a good base for your in-game strategies. So, if you're holding a Straight, you're often in a pretty decent spot. Just be mindful of how it stacks up against the rest of the possible combinations within the game.

Three of a Kind

Three of a Kind is a hand that you might see fairly often in your poker games. It consists of three cards of the same rank, accompanied by two other cards that are not a pair. For example, if you're holding three 8s, that's a Three of a Kind.

This hand ranks above Two Pair but below a Straight in the hierarchy of poker hands. It's a decent position to be in, as it outperforms quite a few other combinations. When comparing Three of a Kind hands, the highest value set of three wins. So, three Kings would beat three Queens.

While it's not the highest hand you can get, having Three of a Kind could still put you in a good spot depending on how the game unfolds. 

What Does Three of a Kind Beat In Poker?

In the lineup of poker hands, Three of a Kind finds itself in a solid middle spot. This hand, comprising three cards of the same rank accompanied by two unrelated cards, can outdo several other combinations.

It trumps Two Pair, which consists of two different pairs of cards, and One Pair, which is just two cards of the same rank. Additionally, it beats a High Card, which is essentially the hand of last resort when no other combinations are on the table.

While Three of a Kind is not at the top of the poker hand rankings, it holds its ground against many hand types. It’s a strong middle-tier hand that can turn the tide of a game in the right situation. Remember, though, every hand offers its own opportunities and challenges.

Two Pair

In your poker journey, you're likely to encounter a Two Pair hand quite often. It's made up of two different pairs of cards, along with a fifth card that isn't related, or the 'kicker'. So, if you're holding a pair of 4s and a pair of 7s, together with any other card, you've got yourself Two Pair.

This hand sits above One Pair in the rankings, but below Three of a Kind. It's a decent hand that can offer a good chance of success in the right situation. However, its strength can be overshadowed by higher-ranking hands, so it's wise to assess the table and your opponents before making your move.

In cases where more than one player has Two Pair, the winner is decided first by the highest pair, then the next highest pair, and if those are identical, the fifth card (the kicker) comes into play. A solid understanding of where Two Pair stands in the hand rankings can help you make the most out of this hand if it lands in your lap.

What Does Two Pair Beat In Poker

In poker, holding Two Pair might feel like you're sitting in a pretty good spot, and rightfully so. This hand consists of two different pairs of cards, plus a fifth card known as the kicker.

So, what does Two Pair beat? It edges out One Pair, where you only have two cards of the same rank, and the High Card hand, which is essentially the fallback when none of the more powerful combinations are in play.

When you're sat there with Two Pair, it's worth bearing in mind the strength of your hand relative to what's potentially out there. While it's certainly stronger than One Pair or a High Card, it falls below Three of a Kind and all other higher-ranking poker hands. The key is to gauge how your Two Pair stands up against what you reckon the other players at the table might be holding.

One Pair

In the array of poker hands, One Pair is quite a basic one, but don't underestimate its potential. It consists of two cards of the same rank, along with three other unrelated cards. If you're holding two 8s, for instance, along with three other cards that don't form any other poker hand, you've got One Pair.

While it sits lower on the hierarchy of poker hands, having One Pair can still be a game-changer in certain situations. It beats a High Card hand, but is outranked by Two Pair, Three of a Kind, and all the stronger hands up the ladder.

When more than one player has One Pair, the winner is the one with the highest pair. And if the pairs are the same, the game looks at the highest extra card (or 'kicker') to decide the winner.

Remember, every hand has its moment. It's how you play your pair that could turn the tables in your favour.

What Does One Pair Beat In Poker?

In the deck of possible poker hands, One Pair might seem modest, but it has its place. Essentially, One Pair is just that - two cards of the same rank, such as two 8s. It's a step above a High Card hand, which really is your plan B when no other combinations come into play.

If you're looking at your poker table and you've got One Pair, remember it's a step in the right direction. While it might not overpower stronger hands like Two Pair or Three of a Kind, it does give you an edge over those who only have a High Card.

Every hand in poker has the potential to win, depending on how the game unfolds. Knowing what One Pair can beat, and the strength it holds, can help you navigate your next move with a bit more confidence.

High Card

In poker, starting with the basics, the High Card hand is when you don't have any other higher-ranking combinations. It's essentially the default hand you're left with when the cards don't form any notable sequence or group.

Your High Card is determined by the highest card you have. For instance, if your highest card is a King, then you have a "King High".

While it might seem like a lowly position, a High Card can still potentially win the pot, especially in situations where no one else has managed to form a ranked hand. It's all about what's on the table and in the players' hands.

What Does a High Card Beat In Poker?

In poker, a High Card is the most basic hand you can have, essentially meaning no combination. It's not all gloom; a High Card hand can still come out on top if no other player has formed any ranked hand. Essentially, if everyone around the table is also relying on their High Card, then the person with the highest one wins the round.

While it's always better to aim for stronger hands, sometimes a simple High Card is all it takes. Remember, poker is as much about strategy as it is about the hands.

We've walked through the hierarchy of poker hands, giving you a clearer understanding of what beats what. As you sit down to play, remember that while the hands are based on chance, how you play them can dramatically affect the game's outcome. Keep these rankings in mind, strategise wisely, and enjoy the game.

*All values (Bet Levels, Maximum Wins etc.) mentioned in relation to these games are subject to change at any time. Game features mentioned may not be available in some jurisdictions.